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At Organic Strands Salon we are committed to finding Real Solutions to all your Hair and Scalp Needs. We have the knowledge and training to get to the "root" of the problem through an in-depth consultation process.


By taking the time to gather this individual research, we are able to narrow down a range of possible factors that can affect the health of your hair & scalp. Some of the most common factors include, your general state of health, lifestyle, age, overuse of chemical applications, poor nutritional habits, environmental factors, genetics, and inadequate "at home maintenance" routines.



What is Hair LOSS?

Hair loss or Alopecia is when a person's hair is shedding significantly more than the average hairs per day, if the hair is coming out in patches, or is experiencing small to large bald spots.


Like your nails and skin, your hair goes through a cycle of growth and rest. Gradual thinning is a normal part of aging. However, hair loss (alopecia) may lead to baldness when the rate of shedding exceeds the rate of regrowth, when new hair is thinner than the hair shed, or when hair comes out in patches.


Anyone - man, women, or children - can experience hair loss.

The emotional impact of hair loss can be significant. For most people, hair plays an important role in their appearance and self image.

What is Trichology?
Trichology is a paramedical field, which is the study of hair and scalp disorders that also, involves the anatomy and physiology of hair.
What does A Trichologist Do?


A qualified Trichologist can identify and treat most forms of hair loss, hair shaft breakage, scalp disorders, and the scalp environment. Hair is one of the body’s most metabolically-active tissues, often reflecting the first signals of internal disturbance. The hair and scalp are just as important as other areas of the body in the overall assessment of your health.


A trichologist will determine which problems they can treat and which ones may need to be referred to medical specialists. Some of the disorders that they will see on a daily practice may include...


Dandruff, eczema, psoriasis, seborrhea, dermatitis, dry, oily or itchy scalp, hair breakage, hair thinning, hair loss, excessive hair loss over the entire scalp, baldness patches, female and male pattern baldness, alopecia or scaling alopecia.

2010 - present

2010 - present

What role do hormones play in hair loss?

Hormones play a significant role in hair loss. People with significant hair loss, often called alopecia, have higher levels of the enzyme that converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Over time, DHT causes hair follicles to weaken and shortens the growing phase of hair.


These weakened hair follicles continue to shrink. More hairs shed and shrink with time, resulting in hair loss and thinning hair. Other hormones also play significant roles in hair loss. The female hormone estrogen may convert resting hairs to growing ones, and this might play a part in the thickening of a woman's hair during pregnancy.

What are the different types of hair loss people experience?

The most common type of hair loss is Androgenetic Alopecia (AGA), or pattern baldness.

It's usually permanent and attributed to heredity.


Other types of hair loss:


Senescent Alopecia is the gradual thinning of hair with age.

Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease, and its cause is unknown. 

Telogen effluvium is temporary hair loss due to a change in your normal hair cycle.

This type of hair loss may occur following pregnancy, oral contraceptive usage or physical stressful situations such as high fevers, sudden excessive weight loss, nutritional deficiencies, surgery and metabolic disturbances. This type of hair loss is sudden with handfuls of hair on your comb, in the shower or in your hand after gentle tugging. Your hair grows back once the condition corrects itself.

Hair shaft disorders or injured hairs are caused by improper perms or coloring, overstyling, straightening, curling or excessive brushing.

Toxic hair loss can occur when you undergo chemotherapy. Chemicals that destroy cancer cells can also kill hair cells. Once chemotherapy is completed your hair usually grows back.

What can women do to protect their hair during hair loss?

Your health affects the condition of your hair, making it important for you to maintain good health, eat right and exercise daily. Avoid unnecessary chemical or physical trauma to your hair. A good hair stylist will be sensitive to problems of hair loss, suggest appropriate styles and avoid improperly applied perms and hair colors that can worsen your hair loss.


If you have sensitive skin, hair products that are less fragrant and contain fewer preservatives can be beneficial. Avoid conditions that dry your hair, such as prolonged low humidity, wind, blow dryers, and too frequent perming or coloring, which may take your hair brittle and fragile.

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WEDNESDAY - THURS 10:00 - 7:00  FRIDAY 10:00 - 8:00

SATURDAY 9:00 - 5:00




SMYRNA, GA 30080


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